• You make an irrevocable contribution of personal assets.
• You immediately receive the maximum tax deduction that the IRS allows.
• You name your donor-advised fund account, advisors, and any successors or charitable beneficiaries.
• Your contribution is placed into a donor-advised fund account where it can be invested and grow tax free.
• At any time afterward, you can recommend grants from your account to qualified charities.
1. Using the tool to the right, establish your DAF by making a tax-deductible donation to a charity of your choice. Note: the charity must sponsor a DAF program.
2. Choose how your money gets invested.
3. Recommend grants to the charity of your choice. If you are with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon, you can recommend a grant to The Oscar Mike Foundation. If your DAF is not listed, contact the host directly to recommend a grant.